10 de October de 2023
Citizen science in health: the path to transformative solutions
Citizen participation in health research is key. Citizens have relevant and experiential knowledge that is often far from the research community. Pursuing this objective, at Science for Change we offer services based on citizen science, applying our own, highly inclusive and reproducible co-creation methodologies, to address needs that may arise in the field of health.
Including citizens in scientific health research is possible and necessary. From the identification of a need or challenges, the generation of data, in the design of scientific research, or in its evaluation… Involving citizens provides a perspective that considers people’s needs and priorities, so that the results are more applicable, more aligned with social needs.

On the other hand, we have also collaborated with the Xarxa TECSAM to give a voice to women affected by mental health problems first-hand. The objective has been to address the challenges they face from a gender perspective and make them reach the research community, so that they have an effect on their research. We believe in the power of co-creation, where affected citizens actively participate in identifying challenges, generating recommendations and solutions.
The potential of participatory methodologies is enormous. They contribute to research and training and, at the same time, improve the psychological and emotional well-being of the participants. Involving citizens as co-researchers in all phases of the project is crucial so that their experience guides the results of the research
Nora Salas Seoane
Head of health at Science for Change

To co-design this type of collaborative research projects, it is essential to set objectives, map the agents involved according to the quadruple helix model, and from this, define who to include, how, when and in what way. It is also important to define the indicators to evaluate the active participation of citizens in the projects, in order to determine their success.

The final objective of the methodologies that we apply at Science for Change has an ambitious but achievable objective: to have an impact on people and public policies, transcending the merely academic field. Applying citizen science and co-creation methodologies is the first step.
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