We care (a lot) that the contributions of our projects have a wider impact.

This section shows SFC's and the team’s own publications, and publications from other sources that talk about us.

The newsletter for change

Anna Font,

16/01/2025 - Citizen science, Co-creation strategies, - Folleto

Here you will be able to catch up with everything that is happening at SFC and keep up with the latest developments in the citizen science sector.

The newsletter for change

Anna Font,

05/11/2024 - Citizen science, Co-creation strategies, - Folleto

Here you will be able to catch up with everything that is happening at SFC and keep up with the latest developments in the citizen science sector.

The MLE CS responsible and inclusive scalability toolkit

Rosa Arias, Antonella Radicchi, Muki Haklay, Alan Irwin, Marzia Mazzonetto, Florian Heigl, Daniel Dörler, Margaret Gold

30/09/2024 - Citizen science, Science to policy, - Acta de congreso

This paper presents the Scalability Toolkit developed in 2021–2023 within the “Mutual Learning Exercise on Citizen Science Initiatives – Policy and Practice” to provide a theoretical and methodological framework to support the scaling of CS projects and initiatives responsibly and inclusively. The Toolkit is made of three components: i) a multidimensional qualitative definition of scalability, ii) an operational scalability matrix composed of four models and iii) eight action areas for policy making.

Science for change tools: the new methodological toolbox to create zero-waste collaborative workshops

Blanca Guasch,

30/09/2024 - Co-creation strategies, - Acta de congreso

Collaborative practices are more common every day in contexts where citizens of different backgrounds need to be involved in science and decision-making processes. These practices often translate into co-creation workshops, in which we find two main issues to address. First, the lack of an expert to guide the sessions and second, the quantity of consumable material that is used in these activities. In order to address these two issues, we have carried out an experimental study in 22 citizen science projects that has brought us to develop a sustainable toolbox for collaboration.

Exploring the marriage of citizen science & living labs – in support of green, social and digital transitions

Rosa Arias, Héloïse Vilaseca, Diana Reinoso Botsho, Blanca Guasch, Lucía Recio, Sofía Bucca, Sven Schade, Fernando Vilariño, Sònia Roura, A. Paula Rodriguez Müller, Dorte Reimenschneider

30/09/2024 - Citizen science, - Acta de congreso

The European Commission has identified the role of Living Labs and Citizen Science as needed tools for the process of citizen-centric knowledge valorisation. Backed by the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the European Citizen Science Association (ECSA) and the European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL) signed in 2023, this workshop seeked to bridge these two worlds for mutual benefit and increased societal impact. During the workshop, we (1) introduced the features of Living Labs; (2) co-created practical examples on how Citizen Science and Living Labs can provide joint contributions in support of green, social and digital transitions; and (3) started to identify action items where the ECSA and ENoLL communities join forces to empower citizens to become true change makers.

The newsletter for change

Anna Font,

03/09/2024 - Citizen science, Co-creation strategies, - Folleto

Here you will be able to catch up with everything that is happening at SFC and keep up with the latest developments in the citizen science sector.

Editorial: Bridging citizen science and science communication

Joana Magalhães, Golumbic YN, Motion A and Roche J

20/08/2024 - Citizen science, Science communication, - Articulo Científico

In this article, the authors discuss the current synergies, opportunities, gaps and challenges of integrating citizen science and science communication as methods to foster interdisciplinary collaboration and progress.

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