We care (a lot) that the contributions of our projects have a wider impact.
This section shows SFC's and the team’s own publications, and publications from other sources that talk about us.
The newsletter for change
Anna Font,
16/01/2025 - Citizen science, Co-creation strategies, - Folleto

Here you will be able to catch up with everything that is happening at SFC and keep up with the latest developments in the citizen science sector.
The newsletter for change
Anna Font,
05/11/2024 - Citizen science, Co-creation strategies, - Folleto

Here you will be able to catch up with everything that is happening at SFC and keep up with the latest developments in the citizen science sector.
The MLE CS responsible and inclusive scalability toolkit
Rosa Arias, Antonella Radicchi, Muki Haklay, Alan Irwin, Marzia Mazzonetto, Florian Heigl, Daniel Dörler, Margaret Gold
30/09/2024 - Citizen science, Science to policy, - Acta de congreso
This paper presents the Scalability Toolkit developed in 2021–2023 within the “Mutual Learning Exercise on Citizen Science Initiatives – Policy and Practice” to provide a theoretical and methodological framework to support the scaling of CS projects and initiatives responsibly and inclusively. The Toolkit is made of three components: i) a multidimensional qualitative definition of scalability, ii) an operational scalability matrix composed of four models and iii) eight action areas for policy making.
Science for change tools: the new methodological toolbox to create zero-waste collaborative workshops
Blanca Guasch,
30/09/2024 - Co-creation strategies, - Acta de congreso
Collaborative practices are more common every day in contexts where citizens of different backgrounds need to be involved in science and decision-making processes. These practices often translate into co-creation workshops, in which we find two main issues to address. First, the lack of an expert to guide the sessions and second, the quantity of consumable material that is used in these activities. In order to address these two issues, we have carried out an experimental study in 22 citizen science projects that has brought us to develop a sustainable toolbox for collaboration.
Exploring the marriage of citizen science & living labs – in support of green, social and digital transitions
Rosa Arias, Héloïse Vilaseca, Diana Reinoso Botsho, Blanca Guasch, Lucía Recio, Sofía Bucca, Sven Schade, Fernando Vilariño, Sònia Roura, A. Paula Rodriguez Müller, Dorte Reimenschneider
30/09/2024 - Citizen science, - Acta de congreso

The European Commission has identified the role of Living Labs and Citizen Science as needed tools for the process of citizen-centric knowledge valorisation. Backed by the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the European Citizen Science Association (ECSA) and the European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL) signed in 2023, this workshop seeked to bridge these two worlds for mutual benefit and increased societal impact. During the workshop, we (1) introduced the features of Living Labs; (2) co-created practical examples on how Citizen Science and Living Labs can provide joint contributions in support of green, social and digital transitions; and (3) started to identify action items where the ECSA and ENoLL communities join forces to empower citizens to become true change makers.
The newsletter for change
Anna Font,
03/09/2024 - Citizen science, Co-creation strategies, - Folleto

Here you will be able to catch up with everything that is happening at SFC and keep up with the latest developments in the citizen science sector.
Editorial: Bridging citizen science and science communication
Joana Magalhães, Golumbic YN, Motion A and Roche J
20/08/2024 - Citizen science, Science communication, - Articulo Científico

In this article, the authors discuss the current synergies, opportunities, gaps and challenges of integrating citizen science and science communication as methods to foster interdisciplinary collaboration and progress.
Transforming 21st century libraries as spaces for the amplification of citizen science
Rosa Arias, Clara Civit,
16/07/2024 - Citizen science, - Articulo Científico

This article explores the concept of citizen science and its growing relevance in contemporary society. It analyzes the various modalities and levels of citizen participation in scientific research and also exposes some of the barriers that citizen science must still face in order to take a step forward
The newsletter for change - July 2024
Anna Font, Clara Civit,
02/07/2024 - Citizen science, Co-creation strategies, - Folleto

Here you will be able to catch up with everything that is happening at SFC and keep up with the latest developments in the citizen science sector.
Guía de recomendaciones para la inclusión de personas mayores en proyectos de ciencia ciudadana
Agostina Bianchi, Clara Civit,
26/06/2024 - Ciencia Ciudadana, Olores, - Memoria

El objetivo de esta guía es ofrecer recomendaciones y estrategias para superar las barreras de inclusión del colectivo de personas mayores y promover su participación activa en proyectos de ciencia ciudadana y actividades de divulgación científica.
SFC Academy
07/06/2024 - Consultancy, mentoring and training, - Folleto

Our trainings are not like the usual ones... We use a learning by doing and co-creation methodology, based on practical exercises and real success cases.
Co-design as a strategy
07/06/2024 - Co-creation strategies, - Folleto

We involve relevant actors and develop methodologies for everything you need to do collaboratively. The inclusion of all parties involved in research and development processes has become a transversal need.
Citizen science and co-creation as an engine of change towards sustainability
07/06/2024 - Citizen science, Co-creation strategies, Sustainability, - Folleto

At SFC, we apply citizen science and co-creation strategies emerge as innovative tools to advance towards sustainability, in a collaborative way. We co-create everything with key agents to ensure success and social acceptance.
La newsletter del cambio
Clara Civit, Anna Font,
02/05/2024 - Ciencia Ciudadana, Estrategias de cocreación, - Folleto

Aquí podrás ponerte al día con toooooodo lo que está pasando en SFC y estar al día de las novedades del sector de la ciencia ciudadana.
Editorial: The creation and impact of visual narratives for science and health communication
Joana Magalhães, António Coelho, Paige Jarreau
21/03/2024 - Science communication, - Articulo Científico

Present and discuss new advances in research and practice on visual narratives in science and health communication, their effectiveness and impact on targeted audiences.
La newsletter del cambio
Clara Civit, Karinna Matozinhos,
08/03/2024 - Ciencia Ciudadana, Estrategias de cocreación, - Folleto

Aquí podrás ponerte al día con toooooodo lo que está pasando en SFC y estar al día de las novedades del sector de la ciencia ciudadana.
Collaborative research with Science For Change
26/02/2024 - Citizen science, Consultancy, mentoring and training, Science to policy, - Folleto

Science For Change services in the field of collaborative research. The inclusion of citizens in research has become a transversal need. Involving different agents increases the impact of the projects.
Co-design of IT services with Science For Change
26/02/2024 - Co-creation strategies, - Deliverable

The inclusion of all parties involved in the development of IT services has become a transversal need. At SFC we help you co-design IT solutions, involving key stakeholders and end users to offer innovative and impactful products and services.
Citizen science to monitor odour pollution with Science For Change
26/02/2024 - Citizen science, Science to policy, Smells, - Folleto

We use a unique participatory methodology that includes citizens and their perception of odor in real time, in order to take effective and economical corrective measures that reduce its impact on society.
SFC - We promote collaborative research, we boost the change with citizens
22/01/2024 - Citizen science, Co-creation strategies, Consultancy, mentoring and training, - Folleto

Information brochure with all Science For Change activities, projects and services. The change is in your hand.
Exemples d’implicació ciutadana en iniciatives d’innovació transformativa (Col·lecció "Monitoratge de la RIS3CAT", número 23, GENCAT)
Tatiana Fernández, Meritxell Martín-Pardo, Chaimae Essousi i Ferran Joan Dalmau, amb la col·laboració de Xavier Gironès, Bartomeu Ayala, Mireia Barba, Teresa Basora, Eugeni Castejon, Sergio Martínez, Robert Garcia Pano, Josep Perelló, Diana Reinoso, Nora Salas, Anna Segarra, Sònia Riera i Andreu Ferrer
20/10/2023 - Ciencia Ciudadana, Políticas públicas, - Memoria

"L’objectiu d’aquest document és identificar i analitzar exemples d’iniciatives i pràctiques existents a Catalunya impulsades per la ciutadania, o amb una implicació activa de la ciutadania, que aspiren a contribuir a les transformacions sistèmiques prioritzades per la RIS3CAT 2030 i poden servir d’inspiració a les iniciatives de recerca i innovació transformativa de la RIS3CAT 2030. Es concep, per tant, com un document de treball, que convida a una anàlisi dels factors facilitadors i de les barreres a l’hora d’implicar la ciutadania en projectes de recerca i innovació transformatives per abordar els reptes vinculats amb els ODS. "
Diagnosi dels projectes de ciència ciutadana i natura de Catalunya
Diana Reinoso Botsho, Mar Escarrabill, Isidora Fernández,
13/10/2023 - Ciencia Ciudadana, Sostenibilidad, - Memoria

"L'objectiu de la diagnosi és realitzar una avaluació en profunditat de l'estat dels projectes de ciència ciutadana i natura a Catalunya, avaluant el seu grau de consolidació en els vessants tant científic com social i educatiu"
NEWSERA Blueprint for CitSciComm with and for industry and SMEs
Rosa Arias, Blanca Guasch, Joana Magalhães, Tola Elisabetta, Luís Cristina, Navalhas Inês, Marín- González Esther, Leguina Leire, Citarella Maria Angela, Giardullo Paolo, Pelacho Maite
08/10/2023 - Citizen science, Co-creation strategies, - Deliverable

Best practices in science communication towards 4H stakeholders for citizen science projects
NEWSERA Policy Brief 2
Rosa Arias, Joana Magalhães, Leguina Leire, Elorza Ana, Lacunza Izaskun, Luís Cristina, Marin-González Esther, Pelacho Maite, Giardullo Paolo, Citarella Maria Angela, Tola Elisabetta
06/10/2023 - Ciencia Ciudadana, Comunicación Científica, Estrategias de cocreación, Políticas públicas, - Policy brief

Policy recommendations in science communication of citizen science initiatives addressing different stakeholders of the quadruple helix innovation model, more specifically the public sector and policy makers.
Deliverable 3.7 Citizen Science as a communication tool in the Post-Factual Era
Joana Magalhães, Blanca Guasch, Rosa Arias, Leguina Leire, Tola Elisabetta, Elorza Ana, Lacunza Izaskun
06/10/2023 - Comunicación Científica, - Deliverable

This deliverable aims at initiating a reflection on how citizen science can become a science communication tool with potential to tackle misinformation.
NEWSERA Blueprint for CitSciComm with and for policymakers
Joana Magalhães, Rosa Arias, Blanca Guasch, Perucca Iannitelli, Carla, Leguina Leire, Elorza Ana, Lacunza Izaskun, Citarella Maria Angela, Giardullo Paolo, Luís Cristina, Navalhas Inês, Marin-González Esther, Tola Elisabetta, Pelacho Maite
06/10/2023 - Ciencia Ciudadana, Comunicación Científica, Estrategias de cocreación, Políticas públicas, - Deliverable

Best practices in science communication towards 4H stakeholders for citizen science projects
NEWSERA Impact Framework
Joana Magalhães, Rosa Arias, Giardullo Paolo, Citarella Maria Angela, Pelacho, Maite, Luís Cristina, Navalhas Inês, Marín-González Esther, Leguina Leire
06/10/2023 - Comunicación Científica, Estrategias de cocreación, - Deliverable

A set of indicators defined by the NEWSERA consortium for the evaluation of communication specifically aimed at the quadruple helix agents and journalists, by citizen science projects.
Cos4Cloud: Sustainability of Citizen Science Platforms
Blanca Guasch, Rosa Arias, Amo A, Hernández M, Liñán S, Piera J, Justamante Á, Fabó C, Soacha K
05/10/2023 - Ciencia Ciudadana, Estrategias de cocreación, - Folleto

This presentation summarises the results obtained during the event 'Co-designing solutions for the sustainability and governance of citizen observatories' at the ECSA's Conference 2022. Around 25 participants shared ideas for improving citizen observatories' sustainability and governance.
NEWSERA Blueprint for CitSciComm with and for academic scientists
Blanca Guasch, Joana Magalhães, Rosa Arias, Luís Cristina, Navalhas Inês, Marín-González Esther, Guasch Blanca, Perucca Iannitelli Carla, Leguina Leire, Elorza Ana, Lacunza Izaskun, Citarella Maria Angela, Giardullo Paolo, Tola Elisabetta, Pelacho Maite
05/10/2023 - Ciencia Ciudadana, Comunicación Científica, Estrategias de cocreación, - Deliverable

Best practices in science communication towards 4H stakeholders for citizen science projects
NEWSERA Blueprint for CitSciComm with and for citizen scientists and society at large
Joana Magalhães, Blanca Guasch, Rosa Arias, Citarella Maria Angela, Giardullo Paolo, Perucca Iannitelli Carla, Leguina Leire; Elorza, Ana, Lacunza Izaskun, Luís Cristina, Navalhas Inês, Marin-González Esther, Tola Elisabetta, Pelacho Maite
05/10/2023 - Ciencia Ciudadana, Comunicación Científica, Estrategias de cocreación, - Deliverable

Best practices in science communication towards 4H stakeholders for citizen science projects
NEWSERA Blueprint for CitSciComm with and for science journalists
Rosa Arias, Joana Magalhães, Joana Magalhães, Perucca Iannitelli Carla, Leguina Leire, Elorza Ana, Lacunza Izaskun, Citarella Maria Angela, Giardullo Paolo, Luís Cristina, Navalhas Inês, Marin-González Esther, Tola Elisabetta, Pelacho Maite
04/10/2023 - Ciencia Ciudadana, Comunicación Científica, Estrategias de cocreación, - Deliverable

Best practices in science communication towards 4H stakeholders for citizen science projects
Manual de bones pràctiques en projectes de Ciència Ciutadana i Natura
Diana Reinoso Botsho, Mar Escarrabill, Isidora Fernández,
03/10/2023 - Ciencia Ciudadana, Sostenibilidad, - Unidad didáctica

"L'objectiu d'aquest manual és donar suport als projectes de ciència ciutadana i natura de Catalunya (presents i futurs) en la consolidació dels aspectes de participació ciutadana, científics, socials, educatius, polítics, ètics i legals. "
D5.3 Guide of Science Communication in Citizen Science Projects and Citizen Science Journalism (look for the checklist on misinformation)
Rosa Arias, Joana Magalhães, Matozinhos Karinna, Navalhas Inês, Luís Cristina, Pelacho Maite, Leguina Leire, Elorza Ana, Lacunza Izaskun, Tola Elisabetta
03/10/2023 - Ciencia Ciudadana, Comunicación Científica, Estrategias de cocreación, - Deliverable

Guide covering participatory and co-design methodologies, impact assessment, ethics and the spread of misinformation, communicating in social media, and, finally, visual storytelling and digital narratives techniques such as the ones covered by data journalism
Citizen Science and Participatory Science Communication: An Empirically Informed Discussion Connecting Research and Theory
Rosa Arias, Joana Magalhães, Paolo Giardullo, Federico Neresini, Cristina Luís, Esther Marín-González Marin
01/10/2023 - Ciencia Ciudadana, Comunicación Científica, Estrategias de cocreación, - Articulo Científico
Pathways for adopting Outstanding Open Science Communication addressed to Scientists, Journalists, Teachers, Policy Makers and Entrepreneurs
Karinna Matozinhos, Joana Magalhães,
31/08/2023 - Comunicación Científica, - Deliverable

In ENJOI we designed and delivered two rounds of Engagement Workshops (EWs) and Labs that involved specific targets such as scientists, journalists, communicators, activists, teachers, policymakers and various other representatives of civil society. More than 100 participants around Belgium, Italy, Portugal and Spain discussed and co-created a set of Standards, Principles and Indicators (SPIs) to improve the quality of science communication and journalism. Based on different interactions, we developed pathways that help and guide different groups to improve their science communication goals, spread their message, reach and interact with their audience through different tools. This deliverable aims to promote the adoption of outstanding open science communication practices and encourage collaboration amongst the different stakeholders involved in promoting open science research and practice.
Periodismo Científico de Excelencia - PerCientEx
Karinna Matozinhos, Michele Catanzaro
30/06/2023 - Comunicación Científica, - Folleto

El proyecto PerCientEx (Periodismo Científico de Excelencia) es el punto de encuentro de la comunidad comprometida con las buenas prácticas en el periodismo científico en español. Su objetivo es fomentar el pensamiento crítico y la calidad en el periodismo de ciencia, tecnología, salud y medio ambiente en España y América Latina.
Periodismo Científico de Excelencia - PerCientEx
Karinna Matozinhos, Michele Catanzaro
01/06/2023 - Comunicación Científica, - Memoria

El proyecto PerCientEx pretende poner el foco en el vaso medio lleno del periodismo científico. En una época de desinformación y crisis de los medios, esta iniciativa quiere visibilizar la información científica de calidad sobresaliente. Nos mueve la evidencia de que el buen periodismo científico es la mejor vacuna contra la desinformación y una herramienta fundamental para la democracia.
Exercici d'aprenentatge mutu. Iniciatives de ciència ciutadana: Política i pràctica
Rosa Arias, Gold, Margaret; Haklay, Muki; Irwin, Alan; Mazzonetto, Marzia; Meijer, Ingeborg; Radicchi, Antonella; Leo, Gabriella; Arentoft, Michael
31/03/2023 - Ciència ciutadana, Ciència per a polítiques, - Policy brief

El MLE té com a objectiu facilitar l'intercanvi d'informació, experiències i lliçons apreses, així com recolzar i amplificar la ciència ciutadana a través de la identificació de bones pràctiques, polítiques i programes a nivell nacional, i així escalar-ne la implementació.
Mutual learning exercise. Citizen science initiatives: policy and practice
Rosa Arias, Gold, Margaret; Haklay, Muki; Irwin, Alan; Mazzonetto, Marzia; Meijer, Ingeborg; Radicchi, Antonella; Leo, Gabriella; Arentoft, Michael
31/03/2023 - Citizen science, Science to policy, - Policy brief

The MLE aims to facilitate the exchange of information, experiences and lessons learned, as well as support and amplify citizen science through the identification of good practices, policies and programs at the national level, and thus scale their implementation.
Comparison of the Effect of Two Hybrid Models of Problem-Based Learning Implementation on the Development of Transversal and Research Skills and the Learning Experience
Carrió M, Baños JE, Rodríguez G
26/10/2022 - Estrategias de cocreación, Salud, - Articulo Científico

"This paper compares two hybrid PBL implementation models applied in a health sciences school: a PBL-module integrated into the subjects of a traditional curriculum and full interdisciplinary PBL. This study analyses how transversal and research skills are developed and provides new evidence on the characteristics of PBL that favor the development of these skills. "
Co-design as a Service: Methodological Guide
Rosa Arias, Blanca Guasch, Amo A, Hernández M, Liñán S, Piera J, Justamante Á, Fabó C, Soacha K
21/10/2022 - Ciencia Ciudadana, Estrategias de cocreación, - Deliverable

This guide results from the experience and lessons learned in co-designing thirteen technological services within the Cos4Cloud project. The technological services were created from a bottom-up approach, following a co-design process connected to an agile software development methodology.
La endometriosis en primera persona en Cataluña: Recomendaciones de mujeres con endometriosis para la mejora de los servicios sanitarios y las políticas públicas. TRANSFORM Informe de recomendaciones para políticas públicas 2022
Nora Salas Seoane, Diana Reinoso Botsho, Perucca Iannitelli, Carla
19/10/2022 - Ciencia Ciudadana, Estrategias de cocreación, Salud, - Policy brief

El presente Informe de Recomendaciones es el resultado de una investigación participativa utilizando metodologías de ciencia ciudadana donde las mujeres han actuado como coinvestigadoras hablando en primera persona sobre la endometriosis en Cataluña. La investigación pretende explicar y concienciar sobre cómo se vive la endometriosis y sus afectaciones para la salud global de las personas, así como que las propias mujeres generen recomendaciones en primera persona para mejorar los servicios asistenciales de diagnóstico y de atención. Este Policy Brief va destinado a las personas responsables de políticas públicas y al personal sanitario.
Validation of citizen observations to assess the odour impact: the Barcelona case study of D-NOSES.
Rosa Arias, Salas N, Burbano J, Hernández M.
19/10/2022 - Ciencia Ciudadana, Olores, Políticas públicas, - Articulo Científico

This paper presents the results of the pioneer case study of the D-NOSES Project in the Fòrum Area of Barcelona. A new Citizen Science (CS), bottom-up approach was tested to improve the traditional way in which odour pollution is managed, to account for geopositioned and real-time perception of odours in the impact area, using the OdourCollect App. The quadruple helix engagement model was key to involve all actors.
The ENJOI Engagement Methodology for target users and quadruple helix stakeholders
Rosa Arias, Blanca Guasch, Karinna Matozinhos, Joana Magalhães,
15/10/2022 - Comunicación Científica, Estrategias de cocreación, - Deliverable

Para afrontar el reto de mejorar la comunicación científica, uno de los recursos cruciales es el compromiso entre los diferentes actores. El deliverable informa sobre el proceso de participación efectiva de diversas partes interesadas en comunicación en cuatro países Bélgica, Italia, Portugal y España.
D4.2 Strategic Roadmaps for the implementation and support of territorial RRI through Citizen Science strategies within S3 priorities
Nora Salas Seoane, Diana Reinoso Botsho, Rosa Arias, Carla Perucca (Science for Change), Tatiana Fernández (Catalan Government), Sergio Martínez (Catalan Government), Josep Perelló (Opensystems UB), Guifré Ortiz (Mollet del Vallès City Council), Albert del Amor (Mollet del Vallès City Council), Raúl González (Mollet del Vallès City Council), Sandra Palma (Mollet del Vallès City Council), Raúl Broto (Mollet del Vallès City Council), Xavier Ariño (Autonomous University of Barcelona), Elisa Llurba (Sant Pau Hospital), Ramón Rovira (Sant Pau Hospital), Josep Perelló Capo (Sant Pau Hospital), Caterina Sampol (Sant Pau Hospital), Carla San Martin (Sant Pau Hospital), Esther Vizcaíno (Health Quality and Assessment Agency of Catalonia), Johanna Milena (Health Quality and Assessment Agency of Catalonia), Garazi Carrillo (Health Quality and Assessment Agency of Catalonia)
14/10/2022 - Ciencia Ciudadana, Políticas públicas, - Deliverable
"During TRANSFORM, two main activities were carried out by the catalan cluster: 1) the setting up of a Think Tank on RRI and citizen science composed of different stakeholders from the regional R&I ecosystem; 2) the co-design (together with the members of the Think Tank) and implementation of 2 citizen science pilots: one in the field of waste, other in the field of health. After 3 years of the project, this process had several positive impacts at local and regional level, which deserve to be shared publicly so that other regions can take advantage of the lessons learned to implement similar processes. "
A citizen science project to improve the selective waste collection system in Mollet del Vallès 2022. TRANSFORM Summary of Results
Diana Reinoso Botsho, Sangrà Enric
11/10/2022 - Ciencia Ciudadana, Estrategias de cocreación, Sostenibilidad, - Memoria

This "summary of results" is the product of a citizen science pilot to contribute to the improvement of the separate waste collection system in Mollet del Vallès (Barcelona). The research has involved 60 students from 4 secondary schools in the municipality to explore citizens' preferences towards innovative separate collection systems (smart bins and door-to-door) and the variables that may act as possible facilitators or barriers to their implementation. As a citizen science tool, a digital waste game called "Dilemma R" was created and developed, with great potential for replicability in other municipalities.
Keeping participants engaged in citizen science projects: the role of science communication strategies
Joana Magalhães, Rosa Arias, Cristina Luís, Inês Navalhas, Esther Marín-González, Paolo Giardullo, Leire Leguina
09/10/2022 - Ciencia Ciudadana, Estrategias de cocreación, - Articulo Científico
Report on the ENJOI Engagement Workshops
Karinna Matozinhos, Blanca Guasch, Joana Magalhães, Jimenez, I
09/10/2022 - Comunicación Científica, Estrategias de cocreación, - Deliverable

Los talleres participativos de ENJOI son parte de la estrategia para incluir experiencias, habilidades y conocimientos distribuidos en diferentes grupos sociales en el proceso de innovación de la comunicación científica de forma abierta.
Report on indicators for impact assessment of science communication in Citizen Science Projects
Blanca Guasch, Joana Magalhães, Rosa Arias, Paolo Giardullo, Maria Angela Citarella, Federico Neresini, Maite Pelacho, Cristina Luis
08/10/2022 - Ciencia Ciudadana, Comunicación Científica, Estrategias de cocreación, - Deliverable

Report on indicators for impact assessment of science communication in Citizen Science Projects
A methodological approach to co-design citizen science communication strategies directed to quadruple-helix stakeholders
Joana Magalhães, Blanca Guasch, Rosa Arias, Giardullo P, Elorza A, Navalhas I, Marín-González E, Mazzonetto M, Luís C
07/10/2022 - Ciencia Ciudadana, Comunicación Científica, Estrategias de cocreación, - Articulo Científico

This paper describes the methodology of the first of the newsera #CitSciComm Labs — where communication strategies were co-designed, using adapted design-thinking methods. The innovative methodological approach is hereby presented and can be an inspiration for others willing to implement improved communication strategies to target different stakeholders.
Report on the ENJOI Labs
Karinna Matozinhos, Blanca Guasch, Joana Magalhães, Jimenez, I
07/10/2022 - Comunicación Científica, Estrategias de cocreación, - Deliverable

Este informe da a conocer el proceso de los Laboratorios de ENJOI. Contiene las directrices, materiales, desarrollo, resultados y acciones relacionadas con los laboratorios que contaron con la participación de la ciudadanía, periodistas, comunicadores, investigadores y tomadores de decisión.
Defining Citizen Science Communication Strategies to Engage Citizens: NEWSERA Lab
Joana Magalhães, Rosa Arias, Blanca Guasch, Luís C
06/10/2022 - Ciencia Ciudadana, Comunicación Científica, Estrategias de cocreación, - Póster Científico
This poster presents the NEWSERA project, the different types of activities that have been carried out to engage different stakeholders, and the project methodology in 4 steps, in a very visual way.
Projecte de ciència ciutadana per a la millora del sistema de recollida seleciva de residus a Mollet del Vallès. TRANSFORM Resum de resultats 2022
Diana Reinoso Botsho, Sangr àEnric
05/10/2022 - Ciencia Ciudadana, Estrategias de cocreación, Sostenibilidad, - Memoria

El present "resum de resultats" és producte d’un pilot de ciència ciutadana per contribuir a la millora del sistema de recollida selectiva de residus de Mollet del Vallès (Barcelona). La recerca ha involucrat 60 alumnes de 4 escoles de secundària del municipi per explorar les preferències de la ciutadania envers sistemes innovadors de recollida selectiva (contenidors intel·ligents i porta a porta) i les variables que puguin actuar com a possibles facilitadors o barreres a la seva implementació. Com a eina de ciència ciutadana es va cocrear i desenvolupar un joc digital de residus anomenat Dilemma R, amb molt potencial de replicabilitat a altres municipis.
First-person experiences of endometriosis in Catalonia: recommendations of women with endometriosis for improving health care services and public policies. TRANSFORM Policy Brief 2022
Nora Salas Seoane, Diana Reinoso Botsho, Perucca Iannitelli, Carla
05/10/2022 - Ciencia Ciudadana, Estrategias de cocreación, Salud, - Policy brief

This Policy Brief is the result of a participatory research using citizen science methodologies where women have acted as co-researchers talking in first person about endometriosis in Catalonia. The research aims to explain and raise awareness about how endometriosis is experienced and how it affects people's overall health, as well as for the women themselves to generate first-person recommendations to improve diagnostic and care services. This Policy Brief is aimed at policy makers and health professionals.
A methodological approach to co-design citizen science communication strategies directed to quadruple-helix stakeholders
Joana Magalhães, Blanca Guasch, Rosa Arias, Paolo Giardullo, Ana Elorza, Inês Navalhas, Esther Marín-González, Marzia Mazzonetto, Cristina Luís
05/10/2022 - - Deliverable
Citizen Science (CS) can help change the paradigm of science communication. To test this, 38 ongoing CS projects from Italy, Portugal and Spain have been selected by the H2020 NEWSERA project to act as pilots in the development of communication strategies, specifically targeting stakeholders in the quadruple helix. The projects, together with stakeholder representatives and science communication and journalism professionals participated in a series of workshops — #CitSciComm Labs — where communication strategies were co-designed, using adapted design-thinking methods. The innovative methodological approach is hereby presented and can be an inspiration for others willing to implement improved communication strategies to target different stakeholders.
Cos4Cloud: Co-design of Citizen Science tools
Blanca Guasch, Rosa Arias, Amo A, Hernández M, Liñán S, Piera J, Soacha K, Justamante Á, Fabó C
05/10/2022 - Ciencia Ciudadana, Estrategias de cocreación, - Folleto

This presentation explains what co-design is, why it is useful and how to apply it in citizen science in general and in creating technological citizen science services in particular to explain it, we the presentation uses the Cos4Cloud* experience.
Data4CitSciNews exhibition
Joana Magalhães, Isidora Fernández
04/10/2022 - Comunicación Científica, - Folleto
Exhibition with analogic and digital modules with interaction to contribute to unveiling citizen governace on their data for social justice; visual narratives and digital storytelling from data journalism
A hybrid strategy to develop real-life competences combining flipped classroom, jigsaw method and project-based learning
Sanchez-Muñoz, R., Carrió, M., Rodríguez, G., Pérez, N., Moyano, E.
02/10/2022 - Ciencia Ciudadana, Estrategias de cocreación, - Articulo Científico

This paper summarizes how students can develop different competences (creativity, critical thinking, teamwork, innovation) thorugh several active learning methodologies such as PBL, flipped clasrrom or jigsaw techniques. In this paper it is assessed how students can solve complex problems under an RRI perspective.
ENJOI Manifesto for an Outstanding Open Science Communication for OOSC
Karinna Matozinhos, Catanzaro M, Rivera M, Toran R, Tola E, Salandin T, Bonelli G, Boscolo M, Zolotonosa M, Creek M, Dijkstra A, Marín-González E
02/10/2022 - Comunicación Científica, Estrategias de cocreación, - Deliverable

El Manifiesto es una herramienta práctica de usar dirigida a las personas que producen, consumen y comparten información científica. Comunicadores científicos, periodistas, investigadores y ciudadanos pueden utilizarlo como referencia para evaluar su trabajo a la hora de producir contenidos científicos para difundirlos a través de diversas plataformas.
L'endometriosi en primera persona a Catalunya: recomanacions de dones amb endometriosi per a la millora dels serveis sanitaris i les polítiques públiques. TRANSFORM Informe de recomanacions per a polítiques públiques 2022
Diana Reinoso Botsho, Nora Salas Seoane, Perucca Iannitelli, Carla
01/10/2022 - Ciencia Ciudadana, Estrategias de cocreación, Salud, - Policy brief

El present Informe de Recomanacions és el resultat d’una recerca participativa utilitzant metodologies de ciència ciutadana on les dones han actuat com a co-investigadores parlant en primera persona sobre l’endometriosi a Catalunya. La recerca pretén explicar i conscienciar sobre com es viu l’endometriosi i les seves afectacions per a la salut global de les persones, així com que les pròpies dones generin recomanacions en primera persona per millorar els serveis assistencials de diagnòstic i d'atenció. Aquest Policy Brief va destinat als/a les decisors/es polítics i als personal sanitari.
Manifiesto para una comunicación científica responsable
Joana Magalhães, Esther Sánchez García, Óscar Menéndez, Gema Revuelta, Simón Perera, Anna May Masnou, Javier Armentia, Estibaliz Urarte Rodríguez, Laura Ferrando González, Ángela Monasor, Alberto Nájera, Daniela Diez, Francisco Castejón, Ma. Paulina Naranjo Peñaherrera, Carolina Llorente
01/10/2022 - Comunicación Científica, - Manifesto

La comunicación de la ciencia puede convertirse en una herramienta para ayudar a eliminar la desigualdad, la injusticia, la pobreza y otras amenazas a la paz.
Mutual learning exercise on citizen science initiatives: Policy and Practice
Rosa Arias, Muki Haklay, Antonella Radicchi
23/05/2022 - Ciència ciutadana, Ciència per a polítiques, - Policy brief

Aquest informe temàtic ofereix un resum de l'exercici d'aprenentatge mutu sobre bones pràctiques en ciència ciutadana i el seu impacte.
Mutual learning exercise on citizen science initiatives: Policy and Practice
Rosa Arias, Muki Haklay, Antonella Radicchi
23/05/2022 - Citizen science, Science to policy, - Policy brief

This Topic Report provides a summary on the Mutual Learning Exercise on Good Practices on Citizen Science and their Impact.
Ferret, T., Orobitg, C., Porredon, N., Salas Seoane, N., Subirana, I. (2021) La función de la contención en la adolescencia en tiempos de pandemia. Temas de Psicoanálisis.
28/10/2021 - Salud, - Articulo Científico
Ciencia ciudadana para monitorizar la contaminación odorífera: material para el profesorado
Rosa Arias, Escarrabill M, Matozinhos K
25/10/2021 - Ciencia Ciudadana, Olores, - Unidad didáctica

"La Unidad Didáctica de OdourCollect es una propuesta para profesores/as de estudiantes de secundaria para integrar la ciencia ciudadana al aula. El alumnado se sumergirá en una investigación para categorizar y mapear los olores de su entorno, generar datos valiosos y analizarlos para abordar la problemática de la contaminación odorífera. "
Paleco C., García Peter S., Salas Seoane N., Kaufmann J., Argyri P. (2021) Inclusiveness and Diversity in Citizen Science. In: Vohland K. et al. (eds) The Science of Citizen Science. Springer, Cham. Accessible a: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-58278- 4_14
Paleco C, García Peter S, Salas Seoane N, Kaufmann J, Argyri P
24/10/2021 - Ciencia Ciudadana, - Capítulo de libro
Ciencia ciudadana para monitorizar la contaminación odorífera: material para el alumnado
Rosa Arias, Escarrabill M, Matozinhos K
23/10/2021 - Ciencia Ciudadana, Olores, - Unidad didáctica

El material para el alumnado de la Unidad Didáctica de OdourCollect es un recurso dirigido a estudiantes de secundaria para explorar la ciencia ciudadana. El alumnado podrá sumergirse en una investigación para categorizar y mapear olores, generar datos valiosos y analizarlos para abordar la problemática de la contaminación odorífera.
Taking stock and re-examining the role of science communication
Joana Magalhães, Rosa Arias, Joseph Roche, Laura Bell, Marco Boscolo, Alessandra Fornetti, Antti Knutas, Frank Kupper, Ilda Mannino, Isabel Mendoza, Carolina Moreno-Castro, Kathryn Murphy, Jason Pridmore, Fiona Smyth, Elisabetta Tola, Marina Tulin, Emma Weitkamp, and Annika Wolff
21/10/2021 - Comunicación Científica, - Articulo Científico

This paper provides an overview of the eight projects, how they adapted to the challenges caused by the pandemic, and the subsequent implications for science communication policy and research funding.
2.4 Regional Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) Maps
Diana Reinoso Botsho, Laura Vetter (Science for Change), Marzia Mazzonetto (BE participation), Maïté Debry (BE participation), Jérémy Levin (Innoviris), Angela Simone (Fondazione Bassetti), Maria Chiara Cattaneo (Fondazione Bassetti), Anna Pellizzone (Fondazione Bassetti), Sergio Martínez (Generalitat de Cataluña), Tatiana Fernández (Generalitat de Cataluña), Enza Cristofaro (Regione Lombardia), Silvia Corbetta (Finlombarda)
21/10/2021 - Ciencia Ciudadana, Políticas públicas, - Deliverable
These maps show the efforts which the TRANSFORM regional R&I ecosystems (Catalonia, Lombardy and Brussels-capital) are performing towards the inclusion of RRI elements, specially public participation, within their R&I activities and funding. "
DNOSES - Results and Legacy
D-NOSES Project. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 789315
14/10/2021 - Ciencia Ciudadana, Olores, - Video
DNOSES - El Caso Barcelona
D-NOSES Project. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 789315
14/10/2021 - Ciencia Ciudadana, Olores, - Video
Final conference - Day 3
D-NOSES Project. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 789315
13/10/2021 - Ciencia Ciudadana, Olores, - Video
Día 3 de coinferencia sobre los resultados de D-NOSES a lo largo de sus tres años de ejecución
Final conference - Day 2
D-NOSES Project. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 789315
13/10/2021 - Ciencia Ciudadana, Olores, - Video
Día 2 de coinferencia sobre los resultados de D-NOSES a lo largo de sus tres años de ejecución
Re-thinking Science Communication: Take-away Ideas for Citizen Science Initiatives
Joana Magalhães, Rosa Arias, Elorza Ana, Leguina Leire, Lacunza Izaskun
12/10/2021 - Ciencia Ciudadana, Comunicación Científica, - Articulo Científico
4.1 Outcomes of the regional co-creation process and pilot selection
Diana Reinoso Botsho, Adriana Colquechambi (GENCAT), Tatiana Fernández (GENCAT)
08/10/2021 - Ciencia Ciudadana, Estrategias de cocreación, Políticas públicas, - Deliverable
"This deliverable presents the outcomes of the regional co-creation process and pilot selection in the Catalan region. This process was undertaken by the Catalan cluster, which is composed of Science for Change, Catalan Government, and OpenSystemsUB. The cluster is experimenting with public engagement and citizen science in Catalonia, intending to better understand how such approaches might contribute and inform public policies. In this sense, this deliverable aims to document and illustrate the regional co-creation process, which led to the co-design and selection of the regional pilots' projects."
Final conference - Day 1
D-NOSES Project. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 789315
06/10/2021 - Ciencia Ciudadana, Olores, - Video
Día 1 de coinferencia sobre los resultados de D-NOSES a lo largo de sus tres años de ejecución
D6.3. DIY guidelines for project replicability in odour conflicted communities
Rosa Arias, Woods T, Salas Seoane N, Burbano J, Hernández M, Alonso M, Francis L, Capelli L, Schleenstein G, Paz L, Vlachos S
06/10/2021 - Ciencia Ciudadana, Olores, - Deliverable

Este documento tiene como objetivo apoyar los proyectos de ciencia ciudadana que operan en comunidades con conflictos de olores. Son pautas, herramientas probadas y consejos prácticos para ejecutar proyectos y adaptarlos a diferentes contextos.
D6.5. Strategic roadmap for governance in odour pollution
Rosa Arias, Salas Seoane N, Hernandez M, Burbano J, Perucca C, Uribe J, Capelli L, Vlachos S, Schleenstein G, Francis L, Alonso M, Stockwell H, Roniotes A
05/10/2021 - Ciencia Ciudadana, Olores, Políticas públicas, - Deliverable

La Hoja de Ruta para la Gobernanza en Contaminación por Olores posiciona objetivos y estrategias para allanar el camino a futuras regulaciones en contaminación por olores a mediano y largo plazo.
D5.3. Green Paper on Odour Pollution
Rosa Arias, Perucca Iannitelli C, Roniotes A, Salas Seoane N, Burbano J, Hernandez M, Capelli L, Uribe J
03/10/2021 - Ciencia Ciudadana, Olores, Políticas públicas, - Deliverable

Es un documento de política que tiene como objetivo colocar la contaminación por olores en las agendas políticas proporcionando recomendaciones para abordar mejor el problema y avanzar hacia un marco regulatorio en Europa
D6.2. Standardizing the monitoring of odour pollution through citizen science: the experience in Spain.
Rosa Arias, Izquierdo C, Diaz C, Anton A, Kavanagh R, Burbano J, Hernandez M, Salas Seoane N
01/10/2021 - Ciencia Ciudadana, Olores, - Deliverable

El proyecto ha supuesto un gran impulso a las metodologías de evaluación del impacto de los olores, permitiendo ir más allá del estado del arte introduciendo ciencia ciudadana para la monitorización en tiempo real desde el punto de vista de los receptores.
Mapping citizen science contributions to the UN sustainable development goals
Rosa Arias, Fraisl, D, Campbell, J, See, L, Wehn U, Wardlaw J, Gold M, Moorthy I, Piera J, Oliver J, Masó J, Penker M, Fritz S
28/10/2020 - Ciencia Ciudadana, Sostenibilidad, - Articulo Científico
Finding what you need: A guide to citizen science guidelines.
Rosa Arias, Sanz García F, Pelacho M, Woods T, Fraisl D, See L, Haklay M
14/10/2020 - Ciencia Ciudadana, - Deliverable
Educational Toolkit Based on Design Methodologies to Promote Scientific Knowledge Transfer in Secondary Schools: A Graphene-Centered Case Study
Blanca Guasch, González M, Cortiñas S
01/10/2020 - Comunicación Científica, Estrategias de cocreación, - Articulo Científico

This article introduces an educational toolkit that has been developed and tested to transfer complex scientific concepts in classrooms. The toolkit is based on design and creative thinking methodologies, and graphene is used as an example of a subject that is challenging to communicate within the area of nanoscience.
Developing creative and research skills through an open and interprofessional inquiry-based learning course
Rodríguez G, Pérez N, Núñez G, Baños JE, Carrió M
30/10/2019 - Estrategias de cocreación, Salud, - Articulo Científico

In this study, the effectiveness of an interprofessional IBL course that introduces a creativity workshop based on stimulatory techniques to develop creative and research skills is examined. This study provides insight into how open interprofessional IBL fosters acquisition of complex skills and knowledge, pointing out the benefits and limitations of this approach in health sciences studies.
Flipped classroom: Fostering creative skills in undergraduate students of health sciences
Rodríguez G, Díez J, Perez N, Baños JE, Carrió M
17/10/2019 - Estrategias de cocreación, Salud, - Articulo Científico
This paper examines how the implementation of flipped classroom methodology fosters the development of creativity and critical thinking skills in undergraduate health science students, assesses the students’ opinions on this methodology, and measures its effects on their learning results.
Simone Rüfenacht (ECSA), Clarisse Guiral (ECSA), Alaa Abou Daher (MIO-ECSDE), Anastasia Roniotes (MIO-ECSDE), Jose Uribe (ISWA), Nora Salas Seoane (IBERCIVIS), Rosa Arias (IBERCIVIS).
16/10/2019 - Ciencia Ciudadana, Olores, Políticas públicas, - Policy brief
D-NOSES aims to introduce a more balanced, bottom-up approach to odour governance using Citizen Science as a way to bridge existing regulatory gaps. Local, regional, national and even international authorities have an important role to play in this effort, paving the way for citizens to take responsibility for their own environment. This Policy Brief outlines the problem and explains how D-NOSES can be applied to resolve it.
Overview of odour measurement methods: the odour observatory as an informative tool for citizen science based approaches to odour management, Detritus
Rosa Arias, Capelli L, Uribe J, Sironi S
11/10/2019 - Ciencia Ciudadana, Estrategias de cocreación, Olores, - Articulo Científico

Odour pollution is a well-known problem related to a number of different industrial activities. It is also one of the main causes of citizens’ complaints to local authorities. The H2020 project D-NOSES aims to help citizens co-create local solutions in collaboration with industries, regional & local authorities, and odour experts. The project will develop an innovative bottom-up approach to odour pollution governance by combining citizen science and stakeholder management methods using a quadruple helix model.
Teaching Responsible Research and Innovation: A Phronetic Perspective
Mejlgaard N, Christensen M.V, Strand R, Buljan I, Carrió M, Cayetano i Giralt M, Griessler E, Lang A, Marusic A, Revuelta G, Rodríguez G, Saladié N, Wuketich M
09/10/2019 - Ciencia Ciudadana, - Articulo Científico
This paper focuses on RRI teaching at higher education institutions. On the basis of interviews and reviews of academic and policy documents, it highlights the generic aspects of teaching aimed at invoking a sense of care and societal obligation, and provides a set of exemplary cases of RRI-related teaching. It argues that the Aristotelian concept of phronesis can capture core properties of the objectives of RRI-related teaching activities
Enhancing Scientific Knowledge Transfer through Design Methodologies: A Graphene-Centered Case Study
Blanca Guasch, González M, Cortiñas S
09/10/2019 - Comunicación Científica, Estrategias de cocreación, - Articulo Científico

This research presents a case study aimed at evaluating the communication of scientific knowledge through design methodologies. For this purpose, we designed and carried out a participatory workshop for non-scientists involving graphene—a highly attractive scientific topic presently.
"D-NOSES Institucional"
D-NOSES Project. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 789315
09/10/2019 - Ciencia Ciudadana, Olores, - Video
Breve video que explica los puntos claves del proyecto: qué es D-NOSES, el problema abordado, la metodología utilizada,los resultados y objetivos esperados.
D2.1. Review on odour pollution, odour measurement, abatement techniques
Rosa Arias, Capelli L, Bax C, Diaz C, Izquierdo C, Salas Seoane N
03/10/2019 - Ciencia Ciudadana, Olores, - Deliverable

Este documento define el marco científico de la contaminación por olor, respondiendo preguntas fundamentales sobre la naturaleza de la contaminación por olores, las formas de medirla y las técnicas disponibles para reducir los impactos de olores.
Design Methodologies for Bridging Science, Technology, and Industry: A Graphene-Centered Case Study
Blanca Guasch, Cortiñas S, González M, Peña J
02/10/2019 - Comunicación Científica, Estrategias de cocreación, - Articulo Científico

New materials such as graphene are being studied in scientific communities, but most companies still do not know about their existence and/or potential. This study shows how scientific knowledge on new materials can be transferred to the main industry sectors (construction, food, energy, transport, and health) through design methodologies.
The Representation of Graphene in the Online Press of the United States, the United Kingdom, and Spain
Blanca Guasch, Cortiñas S, González M, Justel-Vázquez S, Peña J
01/10/2019 - Comunicación Científica, - Articulo Científico

This study presents an analysis of the quantitative and qualitative contents from all news about graphene published online in The New York Times (United States), The Guardian (United Kingdom), and El País (Spain) from October 2004 to October 2017. We evaluate the media’s coverage of a new, revolutionary material such as graphene.
A New Methodology Based on Citizen Science to Improve Environmental Odour Management
Rosa Arias, Capelli L, Diaz Jimenez C
11/10/2018 - Ciencia Ciudadana, Estrategias de cocreación, Olores, - Articulo Científico

This paper outlines a new methodology to gather valid real time odour observations in the impact area of an odour emitting activity by using citizen science tools and a quadruple helix approach, to involve the public authorities, the odour emitting industries, the Academia and the citizens and co-design local solutions to reduce nuisance.
D4.1 Map of odour issues and priorities and multilevel engagement plan for stakeholders and communities
Rosa Arias, Balestrini M, Creus J, Errandonea L, Salas Seoane N.
10/10/2018 - Ciencia Ciudadana, Estrategias de cocreación, Olores, Políticas públicas, - Deliverable

Este documento proporciona un mapeo preliminar de las comunidades afectadas por la contaminación por olores en ocho países europeos y en Chile, y presenta un marco conceptual para apoyar a las partes interesadas en la planificación y realización de intervenciones de ciencia ciudadana destinadas a abordar los problemas de olores.
Kaplan, A. & Nuño, L. (dir); Thill, M. & Salas Seoane, N. (coord.) (2017) Multisectoral Academic Training Guide on Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting; Dykinson.
Kaplan A, Nuño L, (dir) | Thill M, Salas Seoane N (coord)
24/10/2017 - Políticas públicas, Salud, - Libro
Creativity Development through Inquiry-Based Learning in Biomedical Sciences
Rodríguez G, Baños J.E, Carrió M
12/10/2017 - Estrategias de cocreación, Salud, - Capítulo de libro

In this chapter it is explained how the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) in Barcelona, Spain, used IBL to bring medicine and human biology students together to find creative solutions to solve a challenging problem in biomedicine.
Creativity in biomedical education: senior teaching and research staff’s conceptualization and implications for pedagogy development
Rodríguez G, Zhou C, & Carrio M
04/10/2017 - Salud, - Articulo Científico
An empirical study with senior research and teaching staff at different Spanish institutions will further help to provide evidence that guides to answer how do the senior teaching and research staff conceptualize ‘creativity’ in relation to their daily working experience and based on such conceptualizations, what are the implications for pedagogy development in biomedicaleducation.
Kaplan, A., Salas Seoane, N. & Mangas, A. (2015) Informe Mutilación Genital Femenina en España. Delegación del Gobierno para la Violencia de Género. Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad.
Kaplan A, Salas Seoane N, Mangas A
11/10/2015 - Políticas públicas, Salud, - Deliverable
Salas, N. (2011)“Welcome to the Eccentric Circus: Youth, Rap Music and the Appropriation of Power in Malabo (Equatorial Guinea)”, Scientific Journal of Humanistic Studies, 5: 12-21.
Salas, N
13/10/2011 - - Articulo Científico
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