29 de May de 2024
Science For Change strengthens its commitment towards sustainability in Barcelona
In 2022, Science For Change joined the Xarxa Barcelona + Sostenible, a network that brings together companies, civic and citizen associations, universities, professional schools and educational centers, with the aim of promoting the construction of a more prosperous, inclusive, equitable, resilient and responsible city. Moving towards sustainability is a task that must be carried out in a collaborative way. All of us, from the citizens, companies and public administration, must join forces for this, the network brings together the maximum number of agents involved and committed to act responsibly and jointly. And from SFC we could not miss the opportunity to join a much-needed network.
For this reason, at SFC we decided that we wanted a higher involvement in the project, being present in the decision-making that will be developed from the Xarxa Barcelona + Sostenible in everything related to the sustainability of the city.
To this end, SFC decided to become part of the Consell Ciutadà per la Sostenibilitat, a consultative and sectoral participation body of the city, which represents the different groups and sectors of the Xarxa B + S, as well as public administrations, city’s districts and the municipal political groups. The Consell is also a participatory space that represents the Xarxa Barcelona + Sostenible before the Ajuntament de Barcelona and facilitates the interaction between different actors in the city that intervene in sustainability and climate policies, and has the capacity to influence the decision-making processes of these public policies.

The new “Compromís Ciutadà per una Barcelona + Sostenible 2024-2034”, the result of a renewal of the previous “Compromís Ciutadà per una Barcelona + Sostenible 2012 – 2022”, highlights the individual and collective responsibility of the members of the Xarxa and the commitments made for a better future.
At SFC we feel co-responsible when it comes to building a Barcelona that is more responsible towards society and the environment. Sustainability and collaborative knowledge are part of our DNA. By being part of the Xarxa, we can contribute to the transformation of the city through our actions and activity.
Verónica Capsir
executive assistant at Science For Change