Nora Salas Seoane
Health Area/HR and Emotional Care Manager
Contact with Nora Salas Seoane:
nora.salas@scienceforchange.euNora Salas Seoane
Health Area/HR and Emotional Care Manager
Nora is a Psychologist, Psychotherapist and Master in Social Anthropology (Brunel University, UK). She has extensive experience in social and community intervention projects for the prevention of maternal and child health, as well as in clinical psychology as a Psychotherapist. As a social researcher, she has coordinated and participated in social intervention and international cooperation projects on issues of gender, identity, mental health, childhood and adolescence, interculturality, and migratory movements, working with diverse communities in Europe and Africa.
Passionate about the inner world of people, mental health, a holistic understanding of health and the social, cultural and gender aspects that affect the way we live in the world, at Science for Change she is the Area Manager of health. Recently, she has led the pilot in women’s health on endometriosis in the framework of the European project TRANSFORM – involving people with endometriosis in first person for the improvement of health services and public policies.
She also acts as Human Resources and Emotional Care Manager – implementing an innovative emotional care program for the Science for Change team.
Contact with Nora Salas Seoane:
nora.salas@scienceforchange.euPublications in which he has participated Nora Salas Seoane.
La endometriosis en primera persona en Cataluña: Recomendaciones de mujeres con endometriosis para la mejora de los servicios sanitarios y las políticas públicas. TRANSFORM Informe de recomendaciones para políticas públicas 2022
Nora Salas Seoane, Diana Reinoso Botsho,
19/10/2022 - codiseño, ciencia ciudadana, salud, salud de la mujer, endometriosis, - Policy brief
D4.2 Strategic Roadmaps for the implementation and support of territorial RRI through Citizen Science strategies within S3 priorities
Nora Salas Seoane, Diana Reinoso Botsho, Rosa Arias,
14/10/2022 - Ciencia ciudadana, RRI, R&I, - Deliverable
First-person experiences of endometriosis in Catalonia: recommendations of women with endometriosis for improving health care services and public policies. TRANSFORM Policy Brief 2022
Nora Salas Seoane, Diana Reinoso Botsho,
05/10/2022 - co-design, citizen science, health, women's health, endometriosis, - Policy brief
L’endometriosi en primera persona a Catalunya: recomanacions de dones amb endometriosi per a la millora dels serveis sanitaris i les polítiques públiques. TRANSFORM Informe de recomanacions per a polítiques públiques 2022
Diana Reinoso Botsho, Nora Salas Seoane,
01/10/2022 - codisseny, ciència ciutadana, salut, salut de la dona, endometriosi, - Policy brief