Co-creation of strategies to address social, environmental, and health challenges workshop

Service duration
Target audience (if applicable)
Any field and educational level.
Number or range of participants (if applicable)
8-30 aprox.
Possibility of offering the service online?
Where do you start when designing a strategy to address a collective challenge? The complexity of such a challenge makes it very difficult to know where to begin. In this workshop, we propose a highly visual and interactive dynamic that allows you to visualize the complexity of the entire system that needs to be mobilized to address such a challenge.
We achieve this by using hexagonal pieces of four different colours: yellow for opportunities, red for challenges, green for actions, and blue for involved agents. Based on an identified opportunity, you define the various challenges that need to be addressed. Then, you describe the actions that can be taken, and for these actions, you identify the agents who must be involved in order to execute them. The process can be repeated for each emerging opportunity, gradually creating a strategic map for addressing the collective challenge identified.