AMUSENS: Development of a multi-pixel gas sensor platform adaptable to various industrial and personal applications.


HE (Horizon Europe)






10 partners in 8 countries



Gas sensors are essential in personal and industrial monitoring to analyse exposure to air pollutants, control product quality, and assist in healthcare by analysing gases from the human body. These applications need miniaturized, low-power, low-cost sensors with good gas selectivity for integration into personal devices, product packaging, or sensor networks. 

AMUSENS aims to develop a versatile gas sensor platform using a multi-pixel approach and artificial intelligence for adaptable data analysis. This involves expanding material options and demonstrating their scalability in wafer-scale processing. AI will expedite material selection and enhance data fusion for precise gas analysis. The platform’s adaptability will be showcased in applications targeting personal exposure and healthcare, based on user requirements.

Project challenge

Gas sensors are crucial in the personal and industrial monitoring to analyze personal exposure to air pollutants or to critical gases, to control product quality such as in the food industry, and in health care by analysing gases from human body. These applications require miniaturized low power and low-cost gas sensors with adaptable selectivity to different gas environments by combining metal oxide (MO) multi-pixel sensing approach and trained artificial intelligence (AI). The main focus of AMUSENS will be to address the lack of affordable solutions for monitoring environmental pollutants or gases in specific working environments. 

Funded by the European Union under grant agreement no. 101130159. Views and opinions expressed are, however, those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.


By using original additive manufacturing approaches for local liquid-phase and gas-phase depositions, the project aims at extending the choice of available materials and demonstrate their sustainability in wafer-scale processing, using Artificial intelligence both to accelerate the choice of materials and for data fusion to determine specific patterns in the gas analysis. 

The proposed architecture will be adaptable to many applications (i) from the flexibility in choosing the materials, made possible by the local deposition techniques, and (ii) from the programming protocol of the artificial intelligence. This approach of products with on-demand properties will improve the resilience of the gas sensor industry by accelerating the time to market of products with enhanced performances.

At SFC, we will conduct a co-design activity, beginning with an initial mapping exercise to identify all relevant actors from the quadruple helix (public institutions, private organizations, academia, and citizens) for the two targeted applications. This will help increase product acceptability. Surveys and focus groups will identify strategies to engage end-users in creating communication messages, raising awareness, and developing usability recommendations aligned with social acceptance.

We will ensure that inputs from citizens and end-users are integrated to promote a human-centred approach and aligned with technical requirements through the co-design process. 

To clarify user needs, as well as, technological and business perspectives, customized methodologies will be employed for co-design activities, and a co-design digest will help the AMUSENS group evaluate proposed ideas.

Testing the platform in user case applications will continue with participatory and user-centred approaches, focusing on co-evaluation of the whole process based on the COS4CLOUD project’s co-design methodology. Specific activities, such as co-design activities and questionnaires, will evaluate the platform’s usability, helping to understand and monitor the value of user and citizen involvement in developing multi-pixel sensor platforms for individual exposure by improving their reliability, and feedback will be provided to AMUSENS partners for potential improvements. 


At the moment, there are no results or publications, as the project has just started. But you can download here the project leaflet for more information. 

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