Torres Quevedo Programme: SFC tools, the co-design methodological toolkit

The aim of this project is to generate a methodological toolbox based on co-design and citizen science methodologies for Science for Change, as well as a portfolio of products and services for the company related to codesign, sufficiently mature to go to market. All of this will be based on the experience of applying co-design and citizen science methodologies in the European projects that Science for Change leads or works in.

The methodological toolbox will serve to position the company as a leader and benchmark in the market, as it will be a platform that will bring together everything necessary to apply co-design in any citizen science project of any field. In the project, research on co-design methodologies is being carried out , while at the same time these are being applied in European projects for different purposes. This allows testing and validating the methodologies in order to evaluate whether they will be included in the toolbox – which will consist of a digital platform, a set of tools and physical work elements. The platform will include a search tool for methodologies, as well as tutorials, articles of interest and case studies, among others.

Project challenge

Many times we hear or read the word co-design, but we do not know very well what it is, and it seems something very abstract. There are many companies that apply these concepts without knowing exactly what they mean and what they are used for. The challenge addressed by this project is to try to clarify these concepts, providing good definitions, application cases, articles of interest, work materials and, above all, a methodological toolkit for carrying out co-design workshops


Contextualisation, planning and simulation of innovative participation strategies. It includes the study of the state of the art, the analysis of the company’s projects, and the definition of strategies.

Application and validation of specific strategies in the company’s projects. It includes the design of optimal methodologies for the interventions required in each project and their evaluation, as well as the generation of a database of co-design methodologies.

Generation of products and services based on success stories. This includes a comparative market analysis and the development of the necessary materials for the new products and services.

Sales strategy and dissemination of products and services. It includes the dissemination of the process and results of the project and the realisation of a business plan and sales plan for the products and services developed.


The project will have two main outputs.

The first one is a toolbox with methodological tools for co-design, which will be materialised in an online platform and a physical toolkit with different elements that will allow co-design workshops.

The second result will be a new portfolio of products and services for Science for Change within the field of co-design applied to citizen science projects that are related to any field of science, technology and society.

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